Quotes and Bible verses about thankfulness mark this month of November in the US, and with good reason. So often we are reminded that giving thanks is an excellent weapon against complaining, against depression, against disappointment, against even sleeplessness. According to Colossians 3:16, it is the essential attachment to our spiritual disciplines of teaching and worship. Also, in 1 Thessalonians, we are told that is the essential attachment to ALL of our living: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Let us enjoy our Thanksgiving, but let us remember to give thanks into December, into January, and through all our days in 2022.
And with that said, one of our first thoughts of thankfulness turn to the blessing that YOU are in our lives. We have been so encouraged by your prayers, your notes, your visits, your support, your friendship, and your wise guidance.
Ministry Past, Present, and Future
In these last six months or so, the Lord continues to use us in training church leaders—pastors, teachers, and others—in Latin America. He continues, to have us work with the pastoral leadership in Costa Rica—and with their wives as well.
We are excited, too, that our home church, Grace Baptist, Cedarville, OH, has voted to help with the IBAC training (Biblical Institutes of the Americas and the Caribbean). IBAC brings theological training to the national church. The IBAC program is special in that it pairs churches in the States with those in the host country. We are grateful that as the monies come in, Grace Baptist will fund a module for the pastors and will help us with teachers to share the material with these church leaders and get to know them on a personal level. More information about IBAC.
Through IBAC, God has also guided us to meet the training and personal needs of pastors in Bolivia, South America. And then ithin this past year, He has also opened our hearts to the training needs of those in Queretaro, Mexico. EACH of these areas—along with two new locations in Bolivia and a future one in Argentina—are the sites for our continued work with IBAC and the training of church leaders in those places.
If you read our September newsletter, you also saw how the Lord has been touching our hearts for the great need for evangelism in Queretaro, Mexico. Queretaro is located in what is referred to as the Rosary Belt, and by Evangelicals, it is often called the 10/40 Window of the Americas. Spanish colonial and religious influence is very strong here. None of the seven states that make up the Rosary Belt have evangelical numbers over 2%, and the state of Querétaro itself is only 0.25% evangelical according to Operation World.
So the Lord’s leading for 2022 looks to be made up of IBAC training modules in both areas that we have been working with these past three years as well as the new sites mentioned above. We also plan to help our coworkers the Amayas as they make a family ministry move to Querétaro, Mexico. The Lord has shown them that this is where they are to work as church planters. (For more information about their ministry or ways to help them financially, please write us at reilly.clr@gmail.com.)
Even as Tia continues her online work with Spanish-speaking Latinos who minister as Word of Life missionaries, she too hope to travel to these locations and share with the wives of pastors. So as “Growing in English” programs starts its second year, please pray for guidance in that ministry as well as for more volunteer teachers. (We praise the Lord for one who has just signed on with us!)
We are also needing to take some time to care for our own emotional health through rest --particularly pray for Tia, who has been having a lot of insomnia and emotional weariness. We will be slowing down some these next three months in order to recharge and rejuvenate before all the activities mentioned above start up in March 2022. We love the ministries God gives us, and we want to be able to face them with all His energy and love.
Guidance and funding for each of the IBAC module locations
Emotional and physical health for both of us
Funds for traveling in 2022 ($10,000)
The second generation of chaplains-in-training sessions
The Amaya’s move to missions in Mexico
Being efficient in all opportunities to minister, no matter where we find ourselves
With faith in Him,