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  • Reposted with permission from Pastor's

Pastor Craig Miller: "There's More To Talk About"

This Sunday you will participate in a time of worship that is also a time of commissioning, as Kevin and Tia Reilly are set apart by Grace to be missionaries in Costa Rica. They will be serving through the agency created by our church, Grace Global Ministries, and be joining our current missionaries, Jon and Joni McGinnis, in that strategic nation. Kevin and Tia are returning to missions and to Costa Rica, after a time away due to Kevin's leg injury and eventual amputation. We have been blessed during their years at home to have them serving with us; Kevin has been chairman of our Global Outreach team, and Tia has served on that group as well as being a Board member with GGM (she has resigned that position to take up missionary service again). You will hear more of their story on Sunday. Jon and Joni, meanwhile, have been directed by their sending church (Berean Baptist in Kalamazoo, MI) to partner with Grace Global Ministries as well. Jon has begun using the Tri-M model of modular classes to train pastors, in addition to mentoring a church planting pastor in the capital. And GGM continues to serve its unique purpose as Brian and Mandi Hanson, finding that ABWE's structure did not have a means of accommodating their type of ministry, have now made the decision to serve under GGM as well! We did not do any arm twisting on our end, but agree that this is a very good decision for the Hansons and their ministry, Gatekeepers. Keep GGM in prayer--especially new board members Casey Wood, Scott Huck, Paul & Cheryl Buettell, and new Executive Director Bob Rohm. GGM is growing, but also seeking to stay focused on our mission of serving local churches seeking to deploy missionaries to specific works.

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