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March Ministry Visits

Writer's picture: Tia Louise ReillyTia Louise Reilly

Thank you to all who prayed with us in our recent ministry trips to Costa Rica.

  • Tia spent from March 12-20 with a great group of 20 Legacy Christian Academy (LCA) high school students and 5 other adult leaders. In the southern towns of Buenos Aires and Colorado and then in the more central towns of Atenas, Bonilla, Santa Rita, they presented in public schools to hundreds (over 600) of elementary students through Bible clubs combined with dental hygiene classes. In public high schools students, they shared the gospel through English-as-a-second language outreach. They helped in two teen outreaches, and we know of at least 15 students who asked the Lord for salvation.(

  • Very impressive team--with enthusiastic, kingdom-tuned hearts. While stuck in hours of traffic, they frequently broke out in song--"psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs"--literally. What a blessing!

  • Kevin flew down on March 16 to work at the Institute of Lengua Española (ILE/Spanish Language Institute). He participated in a faculty retreat and many meetings.

  • At Sojourn Academy, the LCA kids arrived on the 20th and led the morning school gathering with worship, an evangelistic mime, and testimonies. We brought supplies for the B.E.A.R. store (Be Excited About Reading) thanks to many donors in Cedarville.

  • After the LCA kids returned home, we (Kevin and Tia) worked on looking for a rental home for July. Interesting search--keep praying in that regard. (ALSO, please pray about what to do with our home here in Ohio; time is becoming short.)

Friday night--the day before we left--was the day of the annual assembly meetings for the Institute and for Sojourn Academy. Much protocol and administrative reports, but also joyfully, the ratifying of Kevin's appointment as General Director. Much praise to the Lord for this and for Julie Chamberlain, the current director, who has led the way there these last 24 years. We thank the Lord as well for Max Bastos and Chris Gault with whom we are working closely through these processes.

  • Now back home in the US, we continue to pray for

  • Raising support (we know of a few churches who are considering the matter).

  • Preparing and packing

  • Housing here and there

  • Having to say "good-byes" at home and school and church

  • Our plan for departure on July 4 and immediate start on visas

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